Friday, July 2, 2010

More bread

Today I'm making King Arthur Flour's Oatmeal Toasting Bread. It takes a fair amount of forethought to make it. For one thing, you have to have steel-cut oats. I bought some from KAF a few years ago for the express purpose of making this bread. But the oats got relegated to the freezer and I never made the bread.
Then you have to soak the oats in water overnight, mix most of the ingredients and let sit an hour, then 2 hour-long rises, then baking. The second rise is finishing right now, and I can't wait to try the bread this afternoon.
One thing I like most about making bread is that you know exactly what is in it. There are no weird sweeteners (like high-fructose corn syrup) or preservatives. I'm not one of those moms who insists on only organic foods for my kids or won't let them eat sugar or anything like that. But when you can control some of the over-processed junk that goes into their bodies, that's a good thing.
And now I will climb off my soapbox and put the bread in the oven.

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